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Climate Change Investing – Forbes

Photograph of Jeff Gitterman and Adam Bernstein

Evidence of climate change has been growing for decades, but as physical risks manifest with more frequency and potency, the markets are fast waking up to a vastly different future.

Climate change will affect all regions, sectors, and industries, albeit to varying degrees and in diverse ways. “Yet, it is still not widely considered to be a major imminent threat to portfolio success.”

We foresee that climate change effects will be increasingly part of valuations as new and better data sets are created, and as market participants deepen their understanding of climate risks, specifically physical risk, and transition risk.

“Advisors need to understand how climate change may affect the investments they offer to their clients, as well as how climate change may impact other aspects of a client’s overall net worth.” Read more in Forbes for tips on how to “engage with…providers and other experts to better protect client capital.”